
Day 58: 16 December 2014, Tuesday.

Last evening the wind had picked up as I was reading before going to sleep, it made for a cool evening and a good nights kip but once I awoke to the sound of the wind in the morning it was a dreadful sound to be had. Last night the wind was indicative of a headwind, so it was with apprehension I opened my tent and with shock I realised the wind had turned, it would be a tailwind!!!! I have not had a tailwind for so long, I could hardly believe my luck.

I packed rapidly and set off, I did not want to miss this opportunity to get some miles done with the favourable wind. I first had to slowly gain the top of the cliffs on the opposite side of the river, it was a slow six kilometre an hour crawl for nearly ten minutes then I was off like a bullet from a gun heading east.

Though I Did Pause To Take A Photo Looking Back Across The Murray River To Where I Camped Last Night.

Though I Did Pause To Take A Photo Looking Back Across The Murray River To Where I Camped Last Night.

I rode like the wind. I considered resting after thirty-four kilometres as I had reached the next one hundred kilometre block….

3600km Near Maggea

3600km Near Maggea

But no I pressed on. I finally stopped at a little shelter which was Maggea, there was nothing else there just a bunch of pictures of what used to exist there. I had ridden forty-eight kilometres. It was only eleven in the morning. I did not stop for long, I was worried the wind might change so I charged off again heading to Loxton.

I did not intend to ride the whole way to Loxton non-stop but I did, I couldn’t resist the push of the wind…

Admittedly I Did Pause To Take A Photo Of This Silly Name Of A Town

Admittedly I Did Pause To Take A Photo Of This Silly Name Of A Town

So I achieved my destination and it was only an hour past midday. I was stoked. I visited the information centre to enquire about camping, there was a free camping area a few kilometres out of town, so I went shopping for food, topped up my water supply and was off again.

The camping area was down a steep hill to the river on a dirt track which I had to navigate cautiously on my road tyres. The camping area itself had nothing, not even a toilet.

But It Was A Great View, This Is Where I Camped!

But It Was A Great View, This Is Where I Camped!

I settled in with the wind still raging, eventually I had to cook my dinner in the howling wind and wash my dishes in the river. I had had enough of the wind so I then retreated into my tent and watched a movie on my computer…

This day was the easiest one hundred kilometre days I have had. Here’s hoping tomorrow will be another good day.

102.00km 4:05T 24.9A 42.2M Total = 3668


Off To The River

Day 57: 15 December 2014, Monday.

It was an early start, Leon had work to attend so I departed his abode at a quarter to eight. I went first down to Angaston, the town near where Leon lived, and went to get my usual fruit breakfast. It was rather cold as I sat in a park area consuming my peach so I did not dally but instead returned to the ever present road and into the hills leading out of the Barossa valley.

It was a rather big hill to summit but I was felling good and energized (I blame it on the beer, revitalized my soul).

Looking Back Towards Angaston Which Is Over These Hills

Looking Back Towards Angaston Which Is Over These Hills

Even though the hills were rather steep I made good time and soon I came across a very nice sign…

Long Steep Descent Next 5km, Brilliant!!!!

Long Steep Descent Next 5km, Brilliant!!!!

Over the crest of the hill the world opened up in front of me as the flat looking land I would soon transverse spread out in all it’s glory.

And I Had 5km Of Down Hill!!!!

And I Had 5km Of Down Hill!!!!

It was absolutely fabulous rolling down the twisty road for five kilometres, I cannot remember having such a long downhill section, I got to over sixty kilometres an hour, brilliant!!!

Then the road flattened out and I reached Sedan, a small town, where I had a rest for a bit.

From Sedan it was only thirty kilometres to my days destination, Swan Reach. The kilometres flew by as there was little wind to slow me down.

Nearly At Swan Reach....

Nearly At Swan Reach….

Finally I arrived. Swan Reach is situated on the opposite side of the Murray river, one of the major Australian rivers, and to visit from where I was you must take the free ferry. Just before the ferry on the banks of the Murray is a free camping area with a toilet. I pulled in there to check it out, it looked good, so I decided that I would stay there the night.

Not A Bad View From The Camping Area...

Not A Bad View From The Camping Area…

But, I needed supplies so I went to the ferry and crossed the Murray. While aboard the ferry I got to talking to a bloke with his family in a car towing a trailer full of motor-cross bikes. It was a short ferry ride so a short talk but as we were about to disembark the ferry he said he was going out on the Murray in his boat later and asked if I wanted to go along. ‘Yes’ was naturally my answer so he said he would pick me up from the free camping area in a few hours.

I went into Swan Reach, bought some food from the simple shop there, not much of a selection to be honest but good staff, then returned to the ferry and recrossed the Murray.

Soon I had my camp set up and I sat down by the river in my chair and read my book. Then I saw speed boat approaching and it was Roy, the guy from the ferry. I boarded his vessel and off down the Murray river we sped towing along one of his sons on a wakeboard.

Looks Like Fun Eh!

Looks Like Fun Eh!

It was great to be on the water, it is a stunning part of the river, not that I have seen much of the Murray. After some time with Roy and his sons it was time to depart from the boat and return to my camp. I was so happy to have had the opportunity to get on the river, some days this whole cycling thing is the best thing in the world!

The rest of the day comprised of the usual chores of feeding and eventually sleeping. I did not have to wash as there was no shower!

62.92km 3:09T 19.9A 61.9M Total = 3566

235 Pelican On The Murray River